Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France

Simon Le Borgne
Ad Libitum

Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix-Hauts-de-France

Premiere April 2024

For all ages
55 minutes (long version)
30 minutes (short version)

Statement of intent
by Simon Le Borgne and Ulysse Zangs

Latin expression, literally meaning « in accordance with one’s wishes or until satiety », Ad Libitum is a piece about the desire – renewed or drying up – to create, to embody, to perform, to step outside oneself, to expand. The idea of moulting and the term «décontenancement» – meaning both «being taken aback» and «put out of one’s own container» – are the leading threads running through this creation, expressing one’s need to change one’s skin, to empty oneself of all substance, as well as the need to embody oneself, to fill one’s own container.

Questioning the relationship that we keep with our practice and influences, we build a choreographic and musical dialogue, between synchronicity and counterpoint. By focusing our attention on the energy that circulates between us, on what is specific to every human being: breathing, the rhythm of heartbeats, we summon the empathy needed to experience the other in all his or her humanity. We want to make ourselves malleable and vulnerable to a variety of forms and contents, in order to create a performance with a cyclical character: decomposition giving way to blossoming, the fall of a body allowing a new spurt of life.

Cast and creatives

Choreography Simon Le Borgne
Musical composition Ulysse Zangs
Performance Simon Le Borgne, Ulysse Zangs
Light Iannis Japiot
Outside views Émilie Leriche, David Le Borgne, Philomène Jander

Production credits

Production: Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix – Hauts-de‑France. Coproduction: Centre chorégraphique national de Rillieux-la-Pape – direction Yuval Pick / Accueil-Studio, La Briqueterie CDCN Val‑de‑Marne, L’Espace Pasolini – Valenciennes, Compagnie SLB, Danse Dense with a residency at Théâtre de Vanves – scène conventionnée d’intérêt national / action financed by the Ile-de-France Region. Patronage: Les Partageurs. Support: DRAC Hauts-de-France – Ministère de la Culture, Festival De l’impertinence – Sète


24 March 2024
[in situ version] premiere at Le Fresnoy – Tourcoing
during Le Grand Bain festival

25 March 2024
[in situ version] Palais des Beaux-Arts – Lille
during Le Grand Bain festival

2 and 3 April 2024
[stage version] premiere at Espace Pasolini – Valenciennes
during Le Grand Bain festival

4 April 2024
[stage version] Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix
during Le Grand Bain festival

25 April 2024
[in situ version] Palma de Majorque (Spain)
during Palma Dansa festival

8 June 2024
[in situ version] La Maison Danse CDCN – Uzès Gard Occitanie
during La Maison Danse festival

September 2024
[stage version] La Briqueterie CDCN Val-de-Marne – Vitry-sur-Seine
during excentriques festival

9 October 2024
[in situ or stage version] Le Triangle / La Cité de la danse – Rennes
during La Grande Scène organized by Les Petites Scènes Ouvertes network

3 and 4 December 2024
[version plateau] Théâtre de Vanves
during Danse Dense #lefestival

Download a presentation file
Ad Libititum au Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille© David Le Borgne

artistic team

Simon Le Borgne is a dancer and choreographer based in Paris. He began his training at the Opéra National de Paris dance school in 2005 before joining the company itself in 2014 and becoming a soloist in November 2019. He has performed in pieces by Maguy Marin, Merce Cunningham, Jiri Kylian, Ohad Naharin and Hofesh Schechter and has taken part in Season’s Canon and Body and Soul by Crystal Pite, Play by Alexander Ekman, The Male Dancer by Ivan Perez, Faunes by Sharon Eyal and Cri de Coeur by Alan Lucien Oyen. In parallel, he has been developing his own creative projects since 2018. In collaboration with Marion Barbeau, he created La Fille du Fort, an in-situ piece developed for the Fort d’Aubervilliers. Since 2021, he has been working with Yohana Benattar and Hanga Toth on the project Nos Gestes, Nos Soins, and developing a documentary performance on gestures involved in caring for people with a chronic illness or disability. During the 22/23 season he has been receiving support from Le Gymnase CDCN for his project Mue.

Ulysse Zangs is an artist, composer, musician and dancer, developing an art form where sound and movement meet. He graduated from the dance school of the Opéra National de Paris and the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz before joining the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company in 2015, remaining there for four seasons. He has danced in pieces by Jacopo Godani, William Forsythe and Rafael Bonachela. As a composer and musician, he creates compositions for dance and started exploring his musical approach associated with movement more than a decade ago, collaborating with various artists such as Ersan Mondtag, Alt.Take, Gustavo Gomes, Michael Ostenrath and Simon Le Borgne.

Ad Libititum au Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille© David Le Borgne