Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France

Amala Dianor – Coquilles
premiere November 2024

Le Gymnase and the LOOP network have devised a new commissioning cycle focused on very young children : Les mouvements minuscules (tiny movements).

The choreographer Amala Dianor is invited to create the next opus in November 2024.

Coquilles – Amala Dianor

For all ages from 1 year upwards
(accessible for crèches and schools)
in‑situ or on stage
around 30 minutes – followed by a meeting

For his first creation for young audiences, Amala Dianor is bringing together two performers with two different physicalities. The choreographer, known for blending styles and forms, questions the dancers’ vocabulary and identity.

How can the contrasts be blurred to brush aside the expected and detect a shared language? In this quest, the bodies spurn their mechanics and skirt around their origins so that the gesture is liberated and becomes intermingled. Energies add up and ultimately find their own orchestration, resonating with the very young.

Cast and creatives

Conception, choreography : Amala Dianor
Performance: Lucie Benhalima Dubois, Bryan Kpabja, Milane Cathala-Di Fabrizio, Estanis Radureau
(two performers alternating)
Artistic assistant: Alexandre Galopin

Production credits

Production: Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix – Hauts‑de‑France as part of the choreographic commissioning project Les mouvements minuscules (Tiny Movements)
Coproduction :
  Fonds LOOP – professional network dance and youth, Cndc – Angers, Le Théâtre – Scène nationale de Mâcon, La  Manufacture CDCN Nouvelle‑Aquitaine Bordeaux, Escales Danses – Réseau conventionné danse en territoire, CND Centre national de la danse, Les Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine Saint-Denis, L’ échangeur ‑ CDCN Hauts‑de‑France, Opéra de Limoges, Académie de l’Opéra national de Paris, Chaillot théâtre national de la danse

creation calendar

12 to 18 November 2024:
premiere at Gymnase CDCN, Roubaix – Forever Young festival

29 April to 10 May: creative residence at Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix

27 May to 7 June 2024 : creative residence – Cndc Angers

16 to 20 September 2024: creative residence – Le Théâtre – Scène nationale de Mâcon

28 October to 6 November 2024 : creative residence – Cndc Angers

7 to 9 November 2024 : preview – Théâtre de l’Hôtel de Ville de Saint‑Barthélemy‑d’Anjou for Zone de Turbulence Festival

Available on tour: from November 2024

Download a presentation file
Portrait d’Amala Dianor © Jérôme Bonnet

Amala Dianor, choreographer

After starting out as a hip hop dancer, Amala Dianor entered the prestigious CNDC school in Angers (in the class of 2002). His dance style and vocabulary were immediately identifiable: sliding from one technique to another with ease and virtuosity, he strips away the showy, spectacular stuff from his choreographic techniques, keeping instead only the raw, essential movement. With this deconstructive process he allows his dancers to experiment with new approaches and ideas.

Drawn to dialogue and the meeting of minds and bodies, he creates a dance fusion, a hybrid of shapes, a poetics of otherness.  Cie Amala Dianor has 18 creations in his repertory, ranging from large form works to solos, and has performed more than 80 times a year in France and abroad In 2022, Amala Dianor is one of the four European choreographers to be selected and supported by the program Big Pulse Dance Network (Creative Europe). Amala Dianor has received the Médaille de Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres in 2019.

To Amala Dianor’s website

les mouvements minuscules
(tiny movements)
a choreographic commissioning project for young children

Le Gymnase and the LOOP network have devised a new commissioning project focused on very young children: Les mouvements minuscules(tiny movements).

This programme invites a choreographer to create a short form intended for very young children, to be performed in‑situ (e.g. crèches and nursery schools) or on stage. Les mouvements minusculesproject is entrusted to an artist whose writing is powerful and singular, who is uncompromising when it comes to aesthetics. The aim of this new project is to encourage choreographic artists to create for very young children, an age group where dance offers are particularly limited. 

Seasoned choreographers will be invited who can devise demanding and inventive formats that are nevertheless adapted to the performance settings, such as venues and spaces designed for very young children. 

Around this new project, a programme of teaching offers is being designed specifically for people who work with small children and their families.

The first composition in Les mouvements minuscules series, a piece called Le petit B created by the choreographer Marion Muzac, premiered in late 2022. 

The choreographer Amala Dianor is invited to create the next opus, Coquilles, in November 2024.