Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France

European Companionship

Establishing a career path for artists with our European partners, such as our experiments with artistic support that allow young choreographers to spend time immersed with our European partners to become acquainted with dramaturgical approaches, transdisciplinarity, collective writing and audience participation.

Supported by European cultural partners, Le Gymnase establishes a career path for companion artists.
For this 23-24 season, Aurélien Labenne and Zoé Lecorgne are our companion artists.

Aims are : 
· To structure the artist’s circulation
· To set an observation framework : white card with no residency pressure, production…
· To roll out experimentation and discovery axis for each companionship’s step.

These career paths are built with artists who drive an organization and deploy their own artistic approach within their companies or collectives. It allows to tackle 2 training challenges all along the companionship : 
· To be immersed with experienced choreographers
· To understand project management and legal structuring
(to structure the young choreographer’s choice). 

At the end of this process, companion artists are invited to make a mock-up, without the stakes of results, in a safe professional environment, to be nurtured by their peers’ feedbacks. 


Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix (France) drives this experiments with artistic support.
European partners are :

· ICK Dans (Amsterdam, Nederland)
· AREAL (Bucarest, Romania)
· 3CL (Luxembourg)
· Lavanderia a Vapore (Torino, Italy)
· Paso a 2 (Madrid, Spain)
· CN D (Lyon, France)

Patronage : La Caisse des dépôts