Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France


To promote choreographic sector and performing art for young people, Le Gymnase CDCN is involved in some professional networks.

National Centre of Choreographic Development (CDCN)

Le Gymnase is a National Centre of Choreographic Development (CDCN). There are 13 CDCNs in metropolitan France and one in Guyana. This label carries a number of responsibilities that involve: supporting artists in their work by opening up our studios (for co-productions and residencies); work to raise awareness and mediation; professional training; research; dissemination of dance and regional outreach.

A-CDN’s website
CDN’s list

• Le Gymnase CDCN Roubaix – Hauts-de-France (59)
• L’échangeur – CDCN Hauts-de-France (02)
• Chorège CDCN Falaise Normandie (14)
• La Briqueterie (Vitry-sur-Seine, 94)
• Le Dancing (Dijon, 21)
• Le Pacifique CDCN (Grenoble, 38)
• La Manufacture CDCN (Bordeaux, 33 + La Rochelle, 17)
• La Maison CDCN (Uzès, 30)
• Les Hivernales CDCN (Avignon, 84)
• La Place de la Danse – CDCN Toulouse / Occitanie (31)
• Atelier de Paris CDCN (75)
• POLE-SUD CDCN (Strasbourg, 67)
• Touka Danses (Cayenne, Guyane)
• Danse à tous les étages – CDCN itinérant en Bretagne

A-CDCN’s map


EDN is a network for trust and cooperation between European dancehouses sharing a common vision regarding the development of dance art across borders. 48 EDN members (in 28 countries) are contemporary dance development organisations based in Europe.

EDN’s website
list of EDN’s members

• Lokomotiva – Kino Kultura (Skopje, Macédoine du Nord)
• Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples HIPP – The Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance – (Zagreb, Croatie)
• Le Gymnase CDCN (Roubaix, France)
• Dance Base National Centre for Dance (Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni)
• The Place (London, Royaume-Uni)
• DansBrabant (Tilburg, Pays-Bas)
• Oriente Occidente (Rovereto, Italie)
• Dance Ireland (Dublin, Ireland)
• Dance City (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Royaume-Uni)
• Centro per la Scena Contemporanea CSC Bassano del Grappa (Bassano del Grappa, Italie)
• Trafó House of Contemporary Arts (Budapest, Hongrie)
• Tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf, Allemagne)
• Centre National de la Danse CND (Pantin, France)
• Dance Gate Lefkosia Dancehouse Lefkosia (Lefkosia, Chypre)
• Pavillon ADC Association pour la Danse Contemporaine (Genève, Suisse)
• Lituanien Dance Information Centre (Vilnius, Lituanie)
• Tanzquartier Wien TQW | Centre for Contemporary Choreography and Performance (Vienna, Autriche)
• HELLERAU European Centre for the Arts (Dresden, Allemagne)
• K3 Zentrum für Choreographie Tanzplan Hamburg Kampnagel (Hamburg, Allemagne)
• O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal)
• DanceEast Jerwood DanceHouse (Ipswich, Royaume-Uni)
• Bora Bora (Aarhus, Danemark)
• Lavanderia a Vapore Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo Collegno (Torino, Italie)
• Dansehallerne (Copenhagen, Danemark)
• Sadler’s Wells (London, Royaume-Uni)
• ICK Dans Amsterdam / ICK Artist Space (Amsterdam, Pays-Bas)
• Station Service for Contemporary Dance (Beograd, Serbie)
• Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture (Ljubljana, Slovénie)
• Duncan Dance Research Center DDRC / The Isadora & Raymond Duncan Dance Research Center Vyronas – (Athens, Grèce)
• Mercat de les Flors Casa de la Dansa (Barcelona, Espagne)
• Dampfzentrale Bern (Bern, Suisse)
• Dance House Lemesos (Limassol, Chypre)
• Dansateliers (Rotterdam, Pays-Bas)
• Maison de la Danse (Lyon, France)
• DeVIR • CAPa Algarve Centre for Performing arts (Faro, Portugal)
• TROIS C-L Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois (Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
• Korzo theater (Den Haag, Pays-Bas)
• La Briqueterie CDCN | Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National du Val-de-Marne (Vitry-sur-Seine, France)
• Tanec Praha PONEC – dance venue (Prague, République Tchèque)
• AREAL | Space for choreographic development (Bucharest, Roumanie)
• Tanssin Talo (Helsinki, Finlande)
• Dansens Hus International Scene of Contemporary Dance / Suède (Stockholm, Suède)
• Tanzhaus Zürich (Zürich, Suisse)
• STUK House for Dance, Image and Sound (Leuven, Belgique)
• KLAP Maison pour la Danse (Marseille, France)
• Derida Dance Center Derida Stage (Sofia, Bulgarie)
• Dansens Hus Oslo (Oslo, Norvège)
• Dance Limerick (Limerick, Irlande)



Les Petites Scènes Ouvertes (PSO) is a network of 7 cultural structures created in 2001. It offers several levels of support for young choreographic authors, including La Grande Scène, a national platform: hosting companies chosen by the network and its members for a presentation in stage conditions (light technique). This highlight is composed of two days of presentation of choreographic works and time for reflection and training.

PSO’s website
list of PSO’s members

• Danse Dense, Pantin (93)
• La Manufacture CDCN Nouvelle-Aquitaine Bordeaux . La Rochelle (33, 17)
• Danse à tous les étages !, Rennes (35) & Brest (29)
• Le Gymnase CDCN, Roubaix (59)
• L’étoile du nord, scène conventionnée danse, Paris (75)
• CCNT – Centre Chorégraphique National, Tours (37)
• Chorège CDCN Falaise Normandie (14)

PSO’s map


Built after “la Belle Saison avec l’enfance et la jeunesse”, Scènes d’enfance – ASSITEJ France is the French national organisation of professional of performing arts for youth and children.

Network’s Website
french platform and network of performing arts for youth and children


Le Collectif Jeune Public is a regional platform to exchange and think for every performing arts professionals from Hauts-de-France. The aim is to defend an ambitious cultural policy for youth, with: supporting young regional artists, skills training, promoting dramatic writing for youth and networking actors and organizations which are committed to performing arts for younger generations.

CJP’s website
Collectif Jeune Public’s members