Qui est là ? plays on the possibilities of appearance, disappearance and metamorphosis: insect, rock, jellyfish, planet… Through a game of phosphorescence, a luminous form changes appearance before our very eyes. In this visual and choreographic performance, Mylène Benoit explores the phenomena of illusion.
Concept: Mylène Benoit
Performance: Romain Cappello in alternation (cast in progress)
Lighting: Caroline Carliez, Mylène Benoit
Music: Nicolas Devos, Pénélope Michel
Production Manager: Naia Iratchet
Production Manager: Marie Dubrez
Distribution Manager: Mariana Rocha
Production: Cie Contour Progressif
Coproduction: Les Quinconces & L’Espal, Scène nationale du Mans, L’Echangeur, CDCN – Hauts-de-France
Support: Le Gymnase – CDCN Roubaix – Hauts-de-France
Contour Progressif is a company subsidised by the Ministère de la Culture – DRAC Hauts-de-France and the Région Hauts-de-France.