Le Gymnase - National Centre of Choreographic Development - Roubaix | Hauts-de-France

Crash Studies

Sylvain Huc

As part of "Les Belles Sorties de la MEL"

with strobes effect and high sound level

  • 12+
  • 37 mins + meeting
  • stroboscopic effect
5€ / 3€

Crash Studies

As part of “Les Belles Sorties de la MEL”

Used in motor car research or astronautic, “Crash studies” are the study of impact between objects in terms of speeds, trajectories, weights…Throug abrupt and hypnotic lights, the experience is lead by two dancers whose bodies brings into play their knowledges, their masses, their memories in spatial, physical and emotional rules. By questioning the physical commitment, Sylvain Huc is finding the point of incandescence of a “body ballistic” caught up in speed.

Cast and creatives

Choreography Sylvain Huc
Creation with Sylvain Huc, Christian Omar Masabanda et Gauthier Autant
Dance Constant Dourville, Paul Warnery
Costumes Dorota Bakota